
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


The sole benefit of living near the high school is being able to hear the outdoor band practices this time of year.

A biggy-size-it toy I detest is the "SUV stroller." Entitled suburban mothers already take up enough room, what with their obsession with breeding and with always walking side by side. Why add to that with baby conveyances the size of a Deux Cheavaux...then try to roll them in tandem into a small shop?

There will be more thoughts presently about Tyler Hamilton, as the other shoes drop over his--and others'--cycling confessions. My first immediate comment is addressed to those who took issue with my earlier defence of the homeboy: you were right, so there.

My second comment is to hope that this scandal has no effect on recreational and transportation cycling, now that both have at last gained some credibility in the auto-obsessed US of A. Past disturbances in the chi of bicycle racing have had negative effects on the use of bicycles at less exalted levels. For once, one can hope that public cynicism will do some good, and allow us to slough off the latest obnoxious pro sports drug spectacle.



Blogger massmarrier said...

While I never believed Hamilton, I could buy into Armstrong's contention that a deadly cancer/poison treated survivor type would not play with IV chemicals. Lackaday.

Yet, this sport has well over a century of history of doping with everything from wine to arsenic to caffeine to steroids and beyond. The brutal, masochistic, 2,000+ miles and three weeks of the Tour bellows and whines for help and relief.

I've come around to thinking blood doping and such should be OK (not cheating-level EPO though). Meanwhile the self-righteous competitiveness of the various international and localized doping agencies reminds me of Captain Renault being shocked, shocked at gambling in Rick's.

11:44 am  

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