
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Back on my own machine

Various news. First, the Beast is gone away. That is, as gone as it ever is these days. The winter I've had gives one perspective. The past couple of remissions have been punctuated with the classic paroxysmal stabs that shoot right through the left hemisphere, and are gone before I can do anything medical about them. Compared to days with the same thing running non-stop for eight to twelve hours, these sucker punches are a picnic. We take gratitude in what benefit we can achieve.

Next, I'm writing on the netbook. I'm pleased about this for a couple of reasons. I like the little thing, of course. Parts cost about a third what a new Chromebook would cost, and a tenth the cost of the average tablet. And I don't have to drag my greasy fingers over the screen to make this work. Finally, I did the repairs myself. This is no small thing for someone who spent his childhood being railed at for being awkward, clumsy, mechanically hopeless, etc.

For my next trick, I'll finish the password changes for HeartBleed defence where necessary. By "where necessary" I mean it's valuable to do some homework and identify sites that are not and never have been users of OpenSSL, and update those passwords on a less frantic schedule.


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