
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

March Madness

I still duck the gambling, but I've discovered that there is a reason for basketball in March.

Outside, March is a pitiful, pathetic excuse for a month. I still don't know why the calendar reformers didn't do us all a favour and make it the shortest month. Just when it gets warm enough to get something going by way of sport, it gets cold again.

You can only spend so much time doing taxes, picking up after yourself, and reading. In those loose moments when you absolutely must turn the TV on, it's a comfort to find something other than bowling on the tube, even if the "something" is a tribute to the ability of people with pituitary disorders to make a place for themselves.

Then again, isn't there a curling tournament coming up?


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