
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

But now, to other news....

Bloggers the world over are exercised over Herman Cain having hired someone from Rick Perry's strategy team to help him bone up on foreign policy. They are micro-dissecting Mr Sandusky's aptly-named denial statement to Bob Costas. There are numerous other profound questions to discuss.

With the blogospheric minority, I'm watching the Adventure of the Downing Street cat. P.M. Cameron is coming nobly to Larry's defence in the face of the characteristic idiocy of the British media. I would say he's resisting the pressure to throw Larry under the bus, if that metaphor weren't nastily literal in the case of hoomans and kittehs.

The problem? Larry, brought on staff as a mouser, apparently had his paws full. The 300-or-so-year-old Prime Minister's house seems to have A street kitteh by trade, Government expected he could stay a mouse invasion on his own. Staff verified three kills. But the mouse that cause the stir was one he missed: which was spotted at a state dinner.

Oh the outrage (real or feigned)! Was Larry asleep on watch? Well of course he was: he's a cat. He needs his 16 hours of catnapping. There are rumours of a girlfriend. Well, if no one clipped his kitty bollocks, and if there's a lady cat within hail, of course he has a girlfriend.

As a cat person currently afflicted with a notoriously inept mouser, I'm proud of the P.M. for sticking up for Larry. Let's give the kitteh a break...and maybe some reinforcements.



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