
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Two Steps Forward, One Back

Topic: energy saving. Step one forward was actually in two stages last year, moving to high mileage, lower emissions cars. Step two was our holiday hell. When the plumber announced his intention of replacing our circa-60-year old furnace two days after Christmas, we said what you always say to a plumber who is actually going to show up: "Sure."

Translations from plumberish to English:

"Only one day." Means three.

"Don't need to move out:" if you enjoy wilderness camping in winter. The cats did move out, and took their chances outdoors until they were sure the commotion had ceased. They were probably more comfortable.

"Still needs a few tweaks." Means the first floor zone is 52 F, the second floor zone is 80 F, and the shower water is a degree or two short of boiling.

Nevertheless, we now have a fine, state-of-the art system with an EER of 92 percent (the old one limped along at 55 percent).

The step back, and an emblem of advancing decrepitude, is our new snowblower.

This old house has not had a gasoline appliance for 20 years. We have a push mower, and over half the lot planted in native species that don't need mowing. This gadget is my spouse's contribution to my cardiac health.

I call it "our" snowblower. I have a bet on with my daughter re the amount of time my wife will actually spend running this machine. I claim she will actually make an effort. Emily holds that my wife's effort will take the form of waving me toward the door.

The last snowblower I had was in my adolescence. It had half the horsepower and frequent repair issues. With it my brother and I were expected not only to clear our own 200 foot driveway, but those of several neighbours. Modest as the new machine is (we saw some whose horsepower equalled my wife's Scion) it still seems like overkill for an 80-foot driveway and a hunk of sidewalk.

We shall see how this strange new adventure plays out.


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