
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thoughts I thunk

I commented over supper that campus police, such the geniuses of UC Davis, are the bottom of the law enforcement food chain. I've reflected that isn't totally fair. Armed mall cops and similar security guard types are lower. The rationalisers are doing their little dance about these Weight Watchers dropouts being "surrounded." It's clear they spent more time on donut patrol than on training for nonviolent protests, so perhaps they did find it challenging to simply step over a rank or two of kneeling protesters, or fit between the standing people behind them.

That argument evaporates on the reflection that during the Occupy movement, we've noted two things. First, that today's cops seem to get orgasmic pleasure in dressing up in their riot gear. They'll put it on to put a parking ticket on your grandmother's car*. Second, they'll reach for the bear spray (that's what this is, friends: bear spray) with no provocation at all. The UC Davis Keystone Kops are just the latest to fall to these weaknesses. I have stayed away from nonviolent protests for several years, ever since I discovered that dealing with reactionaries at short range now makes me violently angry. But the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, and my daughter has taken a few shifts with her city's Occupy demonstration. One is equally proud and apprehensive.

Speaking of Occupy, isn't it interesting that Mayor Bloomberg's police have had Jose Pimentel under surveillance for two freakin years, and they simply just had to arrest him now, a week after cops wielding pepper spray descended upon Occupy Wall Street? When Deadeye Dick Cheney ran the White House, we used to call this a Weapon of Mass Distraction. Apparently the lesson isn't lost on Hizzoner.

Late news has it that the Not-so-Super-Committee has, in its ineptitude, advanced the cause of Social Security and virtually guaranteed the death of the Bush tax cuts the Republicans were so desperate to protect This bears watching. Oft evil will shall evil mar. Or, ROTFLMAO.

* If it was my grandmother, they would have needed it.



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