
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Easy project-heh

Today was the day to troubleshoot the landline phone connections in advance of installing a new--and likely our last--landline system. Things to keep in mind about this project.

  1. When the phone line to this house was installed, Alexander Graham Bell was probably still living. There's hardware that allows one to work around antiques of this nature without having a new line brought in. Try explaining a problem of this sort to the typical eager geek in Radio Shack or any similar establishment: Blank stares.

  2. In theory, the Navy taught me how to wire low-voltage communications systems. However that was over 40 years ago, and I wasn't very good at it.

  3. The average do-it-yourself site or book rates this sort of project as "easy." So it is, in principle. What was seriously lacking was any sort of decent documentation. After a dozen or so tries with the hit-or-miss method, I succeeded in getting the router line hooked up, then hunted down worthwhile instructions. Guess what? With proper instructions, it is easy.
At any rate, we have phones and Internet again, and I didn't need a trip to the gym for the stair climber. I did about 60 stories on this project.

We'll discuss today's other project, removing cat barf from rugs, another time.


Blogger massmarrier said...

So, can you go to your local Boy Scout shop and get a merit badge for that?

12:36 am  
Blogger Uncle said...

I'm lucky I didn't get disability. The merit badge may come with the cat barf removal.

12:45 am  

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