
Comments on life, the universe and everything from an aging Sixties survivor.

Location: Massachusetts, United States

Ummm, isn't "about me" part of the point of the blog?

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Life truly does give with one hand and take away with the other.

My daughter, now 24, was home from CA over Labour Day weekend. One of the more satisfying moments was going out en famille to the Baseball Grill on Boylston Street. Mom assimilated the generally shady appearance of the Baseball Grill's new digs, right next door to Ramrod, fairly well. I thought it best not to mention the neighbours. It was, as Emily recalls, the first time she had ever had a beer in front of her one-glass-of-wine-per-week mother. Emily enjoyed the look on Mother's face so much that she had another.

Trouble was, it was Bud Light.

Why is the beer appreciation taste bud so dormant in women?

She's back in CA now, and amongst other things, left a few Molson Lights here. Thrifty soul that I am, I tried to drink one tonight.

I really tried.

Can't make up my mind whether it tastes like water some farmer walked in, or like water that some repulsive creature peed in.

My daughter is a talented young woman. It can't be impossible to improve her taste in beer.


Blogger massmarrier said...

It may or may not be genetic in women. My wife likes the last beer or last wine she had. I guess that's good.

On the other hand, some years ago, we had a beer tasting, with scoring, with a bunch of spouses or S.O.'s. Most women did okay, but nowhere near as well as we professional drinkers. But a woman who didn't like beer nailed every single beer by type and brand. She humbled all the guys.

She didn't even have a visible adam's apple.

Be careful in training though, I know a certain gray beard in Winchester who put really good ales in the fridge. Now his wife won't put up with any cheap or moderate priced brews. Only the best, and step on it!

5:35 pm  

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